How to Know it is Time to Upsize Your Home

How to Know it is Time to Upsize Your Home

It’s completely normal to outgrow your home especially in the winter when we’re forced to spend more time inside rather than on the deck. Most Kiwi families are quite large so we value our space. The thought of upsizing to a bigger home might be scary, but when you find the right place, your family will feel more comfort – space makes a world of difference!

Sometime it is hard to know if now is the right time to move. These signs are good indicators that you and your family should consider upsizing in the very near future.

Your family is expanding – Whether you are expecting a baby, getting a furry friend, or watching your children grow, your home should grow with your family. A bigger home makes life much more pleasant for all living under the roof. It’s also healthier for children (and fur babies) to grow and play in a spacious place.

You’d like to host guests – If you do not feel comfortable entertaining guests in your current home then it is definitely time to move on. Good company is important especially at home to break up the day to day. If you have visitors often, you may also want a spare room to allow them to sleep over comfortably.

Home feels cramped and cluttered – It goes without saying that you should not feel cramped in your own home. If you do feel this way, your home is clearly too small for you and your family. This only leads to anxiety and stress and you can’t have that!

Dreaming of your ideal space – If your mind is always thinking of different homes and has you browsing listings, chances are you haven’t yet found the one. You may not need a bigger home, but you should live in a home you love. It’s ideal to find a dream home that can easily adapt to changes in the future.

Neighbourhood no longer suffices – You may have moved to an area to be close to a school for your children, but they no longer attend that school. Sometimes we outgrow neighbourhoods, not just homes. There are many factors to consider in regards to location – sit down with the family and work out what’s best.

Needing privacy – If you feel you need more privacy, you most probably just need more space. Whether it be privacy from your neighbours or privacy from your family, a bigger home will give you more options to hide away. Maybe you just need a man’s cave or she shed!

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